Mechanical Engineering Technology

Team Orange


· 1st Place Winners in the design challenge to create a biomass water heater for domestic homes

· We are a team of five University of Maine Orono students. 

· We were competing against our fellow classmates to make an efficient bio mass water heater.

· Our design includes a PLC run system leaving it virtually hands free. 

· Also by running on pellets we use a readily available renewable energy source.

Team Members

Tim Irish

Home Town: 

           Wytopitlock, Me

High School: 

           East Grand High School


           Hunting, snowmobiling,            fishing, motorcycles, ATV’s ,            outdoors

Future Goals: 

           Find a job that I enjoy and is challenging, also to start a family




Dan Richter

Home Town:  Bath, Me


High School:  Chop Point


Hobbies:  Automotive repair and customization, computers, gaming, disassembling anything with more than two moving parts


Future Goals:  Get a job designing heavy equipment, collect and restore classic/ interesting vehicles

